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  1. N

    Is is even possible?

    I updated the picture and added to the end a design that would work without modifing the Finder. BC P.S. It is at for all those who don't want to look backwards in the thread.
  2. N

    Is is even possible?

    I never thought of renaming the files, thanks DarkShadow. Fortunetly it is an easy fix that doesn't require me to even change my picture, just my idea. You could click on the name in the drawer(pane) and change the name just like in the Finder, it could even be automaticly selected for you so...
  3. N

    Is is even possible?

    I guess I didn't attach it. Well, here is where it is Click here to see the New Save Box BC
  4. N

    Is is even possible?

    Oh yeah, here is my idea.(See attached image, it's long and thin, but I assume everyone can mangage.) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Forgetting everything that you know about current Save boxes, would combining the Finder and the Save boxes into one interface be an easier and more...
  5. N

    Is is even possible?

    It seems as though no one knows the answer to my question. After some resaerch I was thinking that maybe Notification Mananger could work. I "Register" to recieve all "Save" events from "All Applications" and when that happens, switch to my custom Save application. it wouldn't be modifying the...
  6. N

    Is is even possible?

    I have a simple question: Is it possible to change the the Save and Open dialog boxes in Mac OS X? I have some really cool ideas to completely replace them, but without extensions I have no idea where to start; or if even I could start. Ideas anybody? BC P.S. I will post an example of my...