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  1. M

    Named Pipes

  2. M

    XCode Build Problem - Please HELP!

    Basically, I've been working on a group project, that is written in Cocoa/Objective-C, which we've been using XCode for. One of my group members decided a week ago that he'd create a new version of our application by creating a new folder, projectV4, and simply copy all the files from...
  3. M

    Named Pipes

    Hi, I've created 2 pipes at Unix level (fifo's), that I want to allow my Cocoa/Objective C application to access - one for reading and the other for writing. I'm fairly sure I need to use the NSPipe class, but I can't find anywhere that shows me how to link a specific instance of NSPipe to...
  4. M

    Pipes in Cocoa

    Hi, I've created 2 pipes at Unix level (fifo's), that I want to allow my Cocoa/Objective C application to access - one for reading and the other for writing. I'm fairly sure I need to use the NSPipe class, but I can't find anywhere that shows me how to link a specific instance of NSPipe to...