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  1. D

    quicktime sure sucks

    QuickTime Rocks !!!! ...but, how can i play MPEG2 files ? On PCs you can use PowerDVD (or anything else to play DVDs) and set it to file mode. Just choose your mpeg2 file and play it. Of course, you have to have a Mpeg2 decoder on your graphic card. I would like to do the same thing...
  2. D

    limited the time a user can login per day

    You can do that with macintosh manager for OS X. The pb is that Mac Manager Client is not ported on OS X at this time. But it will be soon. The other pb is that Mac Manager is a client/server software and ther server only works with an OS X Server. Duke
  3. D

    Half Life on Mac

    Thanks for your answer... I was so :D and now i am so :(
  4. D

    Half Life on Mac

    I see that Half life is released on Linux based computers with WineX ( ) to emulate Microsoft DirectX. It's time to Valve ( ) to release a version of half life for Mac ! With MacOS X.1 nobody can say "Make a game...