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  1. Pippi

    Attaching PDFs into QXP document

    I have made a document of 28 pages in QuarkXPress 6.5. Now I have many pdfs (4 colour cmyk advertisements) which I should attach into the document. Attaching files is not a problem in general, but how does it work with pdfs? Making it in Acrobat 7 Pro first came into my mind (copy-paste), but is...
  2. Pippi

    Keyboard shortcuts in Quark

    Hi! Does anybody know if it's possible to customize keyboard shortcuts in Quark? I used to work happily in QuarkXPress 4.1 in OS 9.2.2 for years and now after switching to 6.5 in OS X find some important shortcuts missing. Any ideas?
  3. Pippi

    Working In Os 9 After Using Classic In Os X

    Hello! I have an oldish Power Mac G4 with its hardrive divided in two, in one of them I have OS 9.2.2 and in another OS X 10.2.8. I still mostly work in OS 9, but yesterday I tried Classic in OS X enviroment for the first time, just to test if it works. Everything worked perfectly. Today I...