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  1. S

    lookupd in 10.2

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out where does lookupd read its settings what agents it uses. in 10.1 those were defined in NetInfo /locations, but in 10.2 this has been moved to somewhere else. I'm would like to know how to configure lookupd to use FFAgent to use /etc/paasswd, /etc/master.passwd...
  2. S

    lookupd in 10.2?

    [Ignore this]
  3. S

    Repair Privileges Utility problems

    Took me while to figure it out. The reason was not Apple's utility, but a filename that makes Finder lose it's control. Start (Using Latin-1) Start sh type "touch abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyzöäå.txt" After that you might not see your files and you cannot even delete the file...
  4. S

    Repair Privileges Utility problems

    I've tried to reboot, rebuild desktop, delete the .ds_store file, check the filesystem, nothing helps. It seems that those folders that have been used, become visible. So the Library-folder becomes visible when the login happens. If I open a folder using "Go to folder..." command that folder...
  5. S

    Repair Privileges Utility problems

    Hi, I ran the new Repair Privileges Utility. The utility fixed problems it found and everything seemed to be fine. However, after I had used the utility my home directory and Desktop don't show any files in Finder, even than the files are there (I can see them from command line). In...
  6. S

    Warning: Deleting fink created users

    I'd like to warn people to be careful, when deleting users created by fink (or any other user created in non-normal way) Fink creates (when requested) additional users to the system (mysql, games etc). It puts / as their home directory. The Users - preference panel can be used to remove...
  7. S

    Using MRJAppBuilder with .jar files

    OK, I got MRJAppBuilder to make an application bundle.javascript:smilie(':)') However, I'm unable to move menubar to standard MacOS X location. It still is located inside the window. javascript:smilie(':confused:') The contains following entries...
  8. S

    Using MRJAppBuilder with .jar files

    Hi, I'm trying to use MRJAppBuilder to create a MacOS X application from ArgoUML jar-files <> and I'm having problems with it. As a result I always get an application which only presents an empty dialog with Quit-button. Could someone explain how to use...