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  1. E

    Need some help with carbon/cocoa

    I have a problem. I am building an application in Cocoa that needs to use Carbon functions. My application is a MP3 player that is using QuickTime. I am using the code provided by Apple as found here: Apple's example...
  2. E

    Carbon in Cocoa

    I'm trying to use a few carbon functions in cocoa, but can't seem to quite get it to work. The carbon functions are pre-written from Apple and so is the implementation code for cocoa (I'm using their QuickTime code found here...
  3. E

    A Couple of Questions about Carbon

    Hi, I'm fairly new at programming software for the Mac, so I have a couple of questions. I should mention that I'm using Carbon. My first question is: can anyone tell me if there are XML parsing functions that will parse a XML file for its values made by the Property List Editor that is...