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  1. T

    objective-c query

    Forgive me if I am misunderstanding your question, but perhaps you may need to rewrite your setName method. Instead of returning (void) you may want to try: - (id) setName: (NSString*) name; You see, the call to [name retain] returns a type of (id), which you have released in the call to...
  2. T


    To whomever may be concerned, The workaround is to add all of the corresponding *.c files to the Project Builder project -- problem solved.:) :)
  3. T


    I am attempting to link the Miracl library ( to my Mac OS X c++ app. For some reason the executable will not build. The compiler is telling me that there are undefined symbols and that there is an unknown extension on the "miracl.a" file. I don't understand...
  4. T

    numerical computational tools

    Hello, Do you know of any packages for handling large numbers? I am working on code to handle very large (12+ digit) integers and rational numbers. I found a well documented library called "Miracl" at the following site: I am looking for other options, also. Any...
  5. T

    Networking OS X and Windows XP

    Couldn't you just use FTP on the Windows XP clients to connect to your Macs?
  6. T

    compiling unpv12e source

    That did the trick! Regards, Theron
  7. T

    compiling unpv12e source

    I picked up a copy of Stevens' "UNIX Network Programming" volume 1. I have downloaded the source code and I am trying to build this on a G4 with Mac OS X (10.1). Does anyone know how to get "configure" to recognize the host type?