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  1. Squart

    Needing help for Xiangqi-Wrapper

    Hallo everyone, perhaps someone here knows the board game Xiangqi (Chinese Chess, Elephant Chess). Because there is no GUI-Application out there for Mac OS X I decided to write a GUI-wrapper for tsito, so I don't have to worry about the AI. The wrapper already exists in the pre-alpha-state...
  2. Squart


    Probably you already know, but with CoreData you can save time by making your Model without needing to write lots of code. Apple makes it since Mac OS X really easy to write apps with Objective-C and Cocoa, because they automate every part of the MVC (Model-View-Controller). In InterfaceBuilder...
  3. Squart

    Custom Window Appearance

    Hi, In my next project I would like to have a Custom Window Appearance. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything that suited me. I don't want to use a background-Image like in Apple's Rounded Transparent Window Example. I also need the titlebar (there should be a seamless transition between...
  4. Squart

    Muliple nib files using one instance of a class

    Hi, I know, this answer comes really late, but do you know NSNib? You can create two nib-files and set the file's owner in both to your Class. In your class you should load the nib files via NSNib *nib1 = [[NSNib alloc] initWithNibNamed:@"NibName1" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]]; [nib1...
  5. Squart

    Adding methods to NSArray through categories, code problem.

    Hallo, there are some other ugly parts. E.g.: xToo = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: pts]; xToo = [[x reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];At first xToo becomes an MutableArray and than it becomes another object. That isn't what you expect. Also the second line of the code-excerpt...
  6. Squart

    Adding methods to NSArray through categories, code problem.

    I would suggest you to recapitulate your knowing about memory managment in Cocoa. I'll describe your errors, when I have time (probably tonight) Greetings Squart
  7. Squart

    Adding methods to NSArray through categories, code problem.

    I haven't tried to understand your code, but you could realize it on an much more easier way: I would guess that this code is much more faster. Good night. Squart BTW: There are some parts of your code, which are very ugly. E.g. you are creating a category for NSArray, but you use it only for...
  8. Squart

    UI Design

    I think, the only real possibility to create a good UI is to use something like Revolution or RealBasic (both cost something). Note that I am no friend of those IDE's, but they are machine-independent and work (allegedly) how you expect it...
  9. Squart

    How C Code Looks in Assembler

    Thank you :D Yeah, that is the risk you can be taken by such similar words. Only capitalized and with 'k' to get the german equipollent.
  10. Squart

    How C Code Looks in Assembler

    It's a really cool article, I've started reading it but it will take a bit until I've read throug it. Thank you. @boyfarrell: If you have a projekt you can easily look at the assembler-code by clicking in the menu at Build->Show Assembley Code.
  11. Squart

    Web Links??

    My experience is that FTP is incorrect implemented in this browsers. But what about using the Finder? If you need only read-access to your FTP Server you could connect with command-k. But I don't know what you'll reach, so a more detailed description could help. Squart BTW: It's a Mac...
  12. Squart

    Dynamic UI with Cocoa?

    Yes, it's possible. I don't know any tutorial, but I'll show you a little bit pseudo-code: In every window you hava a content-view (which is a normal NSView). You can add other Views to this view as Subview. Like this: NSTextField *myTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithBla:blabla...
  13. Squart

    Simple carbon question.

    Well then? Did it worked?
  14. Squart

    Strange behaviour: yes it's my fault but I can't find the mistake!

    Yeah, that's the best way. But use anyway the init-Method of Mikuro, because it is faster.
  15. Squart

    Strange behaviour: yes it's my fault but I can't find the mistake!

    Your problem is, that you are working with a pointer (*) and with arrays ([][][]). You can see the arrays in C as one entity. So it would be the same as TwoCoumns* holder[125]. The easiest way to allocate every single object is on the following way: int x, y, z; for (x = 0; x < 5; x++) for...
  16. Squart

    HOW TO edit exp like 1E-4 into bash?

    First of all: With which software do you work in bash? What is the aim of changing such rational numbers? What are the things you expect from the software (not only scientific notation, do you?)?
  17. Squart

    Strange behaviour: yes it's my fault but I can't find the mistake!

    Well, that's a question of interpretation. If you to run that -(id)init Methode only once it would be only a small performance hit (some milliseconds). But by running it 5*5*5 (=125) times or more often it can rise exponential and can become noticeable. That's what I meant with "small...
  18. Squart

    Strange behaviour: yes it's my fault but I can't find the mistake!

    Your Code should be working and is (after my personal taste) the nicest way to do so, but I would use at last the direct assignment because you has then no Methode-Calling what brings a (little) performance hit. (What will be better if the loop grows)
  19. Squart

    Simple carbon question.

    OK, I go back to your question. I'm learning Carbon since some days and I have had the same problem like you. I could solve it by changing the attributes passed to CreateNewWindow(): CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, kWindowStandardDocumentAttributes |...