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  1. H

    Quicktime Pro Problem

    Hello, I'm having problems with image sequences playing at the correct frame rate. I choose 15 fps and they play back at about 5 or 6 fps, when I choose 30 fps it plays at about 8 fps. These same files worked fine a year ago. These are jpegs sized to 320 X 240, there's about 200 images in the...
  2. H

    Iphoto Problem

    Hello, I have iMac 450 w/320 MB Ram w/10.3.9 I went to look at old thumbnails in iPhoto 2.01, and the TIFF files no longer have thumbnails. There is just a TIFF icon. Any answers out there? Thank you, Steve
  3. H

    Appleworks 6.2.9 Files

    Hello. I forgot to mention that when I go to get info on the files it says they are files. Also these files all have .cwk extension. Thank you, Steve
  4. H

    Appleworks 6.2.9 Files

    Hello, Today without warning all my Apple Works files have a exclamation point in front of them. The exclamation point appears in a red shape which looks like a stop sign. The files seem to be opening OK My backup files on an external hard drive also appear this way. I have a iMac...