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  1. R

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    I have done every things you told me, and have access to all files from old accounts, but still not found my files. Don't know what's appened with them. Maybe I could retrieve them with some utilities like norton? Thanks.
  2. R

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    I logged as root but now?
  3. R

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    I had to restart and now, I can no longer log with my account. It tries to open my account, but nothing (desktop, dock) appears, only a blue screen!!!! Think it's the end?!?
  4. R

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    It doesn't seems to work, it's like that: ibook:/users robingagnon$ sudo chown -R robingag:robingag robingagnon1 Password: chown: robingag: Invalid argument ibook:/users robingagnon$ You're the only that can help me. Thanks alot.
  5. R

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    like you asked, here's the commands results. Last login: Wed Nov 2 13:12:16 on ttyp1 Welcome to Darwin! ibook:~ robingagnon$ cd /users ; ls -al total 32 drwxrwxr-t 14 root admin 476 Nov 2 13:09 . drwxrwxr-t 46 root admin 1666 Nov 2 13:08 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1...
  6. R

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    Hi dear tech. I'm on mac OS X TIGER and I recently installed a software that comes with an interactive board called Smartboard. During the installation process, I noticed that it was installing some things that I don't need (cliparts). I stopped the installation and then, when it brings...