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  1. T

    MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

    I read somewhere that GeForce4 was indeed scheduled for january. Hey maybe ATI will finally release a mac version of their Radeon8500, and with good drivers too :)
  2. T

    MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

    ...but I think no one mentionned an major osX update (10.2), as there IS room for improvement (even if it's the BEST OS in the world ). My guess : both software (sth more exciting than PS7, lots of people don't care) and hardware (something really different, not a mere upgrade, at least a leap)...
  3. T

    X3 for Mac OS X has landed

    Quite inaccurate but it's definitely cool... Color changing with CPU load would rock. Do you think the same could be done to interact with iTunes for instance ? Keeping the beat or sth like that... The Librarian
  4. T

    Problems with Rage128Pro

    I have an AGP Rage128 Pro (bought my G4 just before the release of Radeon last year) with a 15' multiple scan apple display using a ADC2VGA adapter. It works fine, really (even though the card itself is quite old now) except with some games : Quake 3, Parsec or Wolfenstein Beta for instance...