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  1. D

    Mac OS X Constantly Freezes!!!!!

    I must admit I used the version of OS X that comes with G4's but is there a difference?It states in the readme it can be used on any G3, even beige so what's the problem? Unfortunately I cannot use the apple hardware test because it is for G4's.
  2. D

    Mac OS X Constantly Freezes!!!!!

    I used the official CD.
  3. D

    Kernel Panics, 10.1 reinstall errors

    I has the same problem when instaling for the first time off of a 10.1 disc. It took me at least 67 attempts to install the OS without error and now it is on there it is totally unusable beacause it crashes & freezes when I do anything!
  4. D

    Mac OS X Constantly Freezes!!!!!

    I am using a B&W G3 450 with OS9.2.1 & OSX.1.1 on another drive. It has the original ultrascsi card with OS 9.2.1 on the first 9GB drive & the second 18GB drive is partitioned equally into three with OSX.1.1 on the first partition. For some reason when I boot into OSX i cannot use it for more...