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  1. D

    industrial strength UNIX - Flaw??

    Even if you aren't using an application, if it was a window on the screen or in the dock, it's going to get redrawn. Whenever the screen gets updated the OS is going to ask the app to redraw it's window. Therefore it will hang around in memory, or get swapped back in from disk. OS X's...
  2. D

    xxgdb or graphical c debugger ??

    What about using Apple's Project Builder? It's debugger is also is just a front end for gdb.
  3. D

    What do you do for a living?

    Got me a CS phd, cause I'm a teenage lobotomy. I do research in computer graphics / medical visualization. Basically how to use 3-d graphics for medical imaging & surgical planning. The cool thing about OS X is now I can do all my work on one system. Before I'd use big SGI's for hacking...
  4. D

    Disk navigation and terminal commands...

    Another useful way of navigating are the commands pushd and popd. The following command pushes the current directory on a stack and changes to the new one. pushd /Volumes/blah/whatever Then you can pop current directory off the stack with: popd To see the directories use dirs...