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  1. C

    kernael panic tiger 10.4.5

    mac mini G4 - 1.42 Ghz, 512 Mb RAM. The kernal panic started a couple of months ago. I cannot isolate the "panic" to an install of a new application. Basically I have just updated my system with updates from Apple (security, iLife updates, etc..) I ran a memory check using memcheck and reset...
  2. C

    kernael panic tiger 10.4.5

    All, I receive a kernel panic every few days. Typically the "panic" occurs when I am ot using the machine. After the "panic" started I disabled the screen saver and turned sleep mode off (computer and monitor always run). The panics continue. Below is the log. Any ideas are appreciated...
  3. C

    cannot start MYSQL

    :~ clint$ ls -ald /private/var/tmp drwxrwxrwt 4 clint admin 136 Nov 6 04:07 /private/var/tmp
  4. C

    cannot start MYSQL

    I receive the following error when starting MYSQL: 051106 01:09:54 mysqld started 051106 1:09:54 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because file system for /usr/local/mysql/data/ is case insensitive /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Can't read dir of '/var/tmp/' (Errcode: 13)...
  5. C

    cannot run mysql

    open terminal type "ls -al " (no quotes) do you have a .bash_profile file ? if so then open in vi with the command vi .bash_profile add the following to your path export PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH save the file using :wq now you must reload the .bash_profile type "...
  6. C

    can't repair keychain

    Good news I fixed it. Error: a required directory (/private/var/tmp) does not exist Failed to create directory /private/var/tmp, reason: Permission denied I logged into terminal as root and did the following chown clint /private/var chown clint /private/var/tmp for some reason the...
  7. C

    can't repair keychain

    When I try to verify or repair keychain in Keychain first aid I recieve the following: Verification started Checking keychain configuration for Clint xxxxx (user ID=501) Home directory is /Users/clint Error: a required directory (/private/var/tmp) does not exist Problems were found; you...