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  1. S

    REALbasic problems...

    I suspect you mean 3.5.2 - not 5.2. That would be one heck of a version jump.
  2. S

    Swapping Command & Option Modifier Keys?

    Thanks for the welcome, Ed. I searched the site before posting my question, and all I could find were a couple other folks looking for info on how to program the keymapping files. :( It's probably not a difficult thing to remedy if one knows where to look and what to modify. I guess I'll...
  3. S

    Swapping Command & Option Modifier Keys?

    I have a PC keyboard that I've been using with my Mac for quite some time. The problem is that the Command and Option keys are in the reverse position. I was able to correctly map the keys under System 9 with a simple ResEdit hack I found on the Web. However, I can't seem to find any...