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  1. H

    Window views settings dissapear

    Two problems Io would love to solve: 1) I have observerd in three diferent machines with OS X 10.1.1 that after logging as a user, the settings of several windows, if not all of them just revert to no color or do seems to inherit the settings of another window, in spite that the Finder...
  2. H

    OS922+OSX10.1.1 on o´the same partition and Virtualmemory

    Sorry if somebody does not believe in this true description of the weirdest problem I have ever experienced. A totally new QuickSilver 867 G4, 512+128RAM. Mac OS 9.2.2+Mac OS X 10.1.1 installed ON THE SAME partition. Booting form the mac OS 9, with VIRTUAL MEMORY ON (641Mb by default...