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  1. S

    ProjectBuilder plug-in

    It will do... however, I guess someone (I volunteer! -- with some help, that is hehe, im just a newbie) should write a further plugin, making the behaviour more like realBASIC's or VisualStudio's...
  2. S

    ProjectBuilder plug-in

    I'm looking for a pb plug-in that pops up a list of methods that an object has when you write it, just like VisualStudio, or JBuilder or, even cooler, that also predicts what you're writing, like REALbasic... That's the only thing that PB lacks... Do you know if it exists? If it doesnt, do you...
  3. S

    Why? Why? [ ] Why? Why not . ???

    In my opinion: 1) Brackets make code much more readable. Using pseudocode: [Color setRed:120 Green:100 Blue:210]; is much more understandable than Color.getRGB(120,100,210); 2) Dots were not a standard when Obj-C was developed. Now they may be, but back then only C++ (which was...
  4. S

    Socket HELP!!! (in cocoa)

    Ok, got the Socket. How do I read from and write to the socket? May be a stupid question, but I have only programmed sockets in Java and REALbasic before, so... don't have a clue.
  5. S

    Cocoaers: Do any of you actually use MVC?

    Actually, if the world was a perfect place and you could have nearly-perfect frameworks in every OS, MVC shall make porting tremendously easy. The absolutely specific part of an app is the View. That you can almost never port, or, when you do, it is a big hassle for the user (GTK+ on Windows is...
  6. S

    Socket HELP!!! (in cocoa)

    Hi. I'm absolutely new to cocoa. The thing is that I'm trying to write a MSN/Messenger clone in cocoa (I hate Microsoft's pitiful carbon messenger) and I find a problem... I have no idea of what classes I can use for connecting to the server! I guess NSSocketPort is the one, but it's absolutely...
  7. S

    Programing for Mac OS X

    They have that. In ADC you have the online version, and with the DevTools the offline version. Also, I agree about autocompletion. There is some, but not enough. I'd like something like REALbasic. And also, I'd like to see a document that explained connections, outlets and targets, since that...
  8. S

    Learning cocoa

    Now I know Java. I've learned how it goes, and I think I'm ready for learning cocoa: ¿what can I do? Note that I live in spain, so, I am sorry, I am not going to pay 55€ for an american book PLUS shipping and handling. That would sum up an insaine price, so, ¿are there any good online resources...
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    Programing for Mac OS X

    I'll find out. It has such a crappy documentation.
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    Programing for Mac OS X

    When I said Java was easier i didn't mean Pure Java. I meant Java-Cocoa. When I said Carbon wasn't 100% native, I meant that MacOSX is NeXTStep 6.0, and prior versions didn't have such a thing as Carbon. Carbon may be good for very low level things, but Cocoa is definitive for Apps. Nothing like...
  11. S

    ProjectBuilder HEEEELP!!!!

    Well, you'll say I'm spoiled. I am. I like the IDE completing what I write. First RealBasic and then JBuilder 6, both have been nice and I would write Text1.g... and they would let me guess what method/property I was going to use. Now I've started with ProjBuilder, and it doersn't do that. I...
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    Programing for Mac OS X

    RB and DevTools are completely different things. Realbasic is fast, oh it is, but all it does is a Carbon app, which is not 100% MacOSX native. I'm not saying rb is not good: it is, and very good, but if you really wanna taste the flavor of cocoa and that means MacOSX, you should use DevTools...
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    How to Learn Cocoa

    Definitely I'll learn Java first. Thanx y'all!
  14. S

    How to Learn Cocoa

    Hi. I have no programming experience, except REALbasic. Which would be the best way to learn Cocoa? Notw that I'd have to learn Java first, but all the tutorials I find are just like cocoa doesn't exist. Isn't there a way to learn cocoa+java from scratch at the same time?