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  1. G

    Apache for Dummies

    yeah, thats true, but sometimes when you go to a directory with no index.html, you see whats called a "directory listing" - its a list of the files in that directory. ;) All i'm looking for is info about setting web directory permissions in apache by using a GUI. I'm well aware that it can...
  2. G

    Docklings, menu bars etc
  3. G

    anyone have an apple with an internal combodrive?

    made by toshiba. model # is DVD-ROM SD-R1102. Thats what it says in Apple System Profiler anyway. Im on a QS 867.
  4. G

    Apache for Dummies

    Web privileges. Like when you get a "directory listing denied", password prompts, stuff like that.
  5. G

    Apache for Dummies

    nice! thats so sweet! :D ok, so now how does one set permissions and such on directories? I know it can be done thru the terminal, but are there any gui tools out there? i've looked around versiontracker and such, but to no avail...
  6. G

    tired of this CRAP

    I also noticed that this happens when copying from non-osx drives (win2k, anyway). That does seem like a lot of garbage to leave behind... maybe some AppleScripting can take care of it for now... my $0.02
  7. G

    osx adding files to win2k drives

    my network admin noticed that osx (10.1.2) is adding files (.trash and some other .filename thing) to his shared drives. does anyone know if that can be turned off? I know if he gives me read-only acces it doesnt do it (obviously), but can i do something on my end that stops it? the problem...