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  1. M

    New PowerMacs released!

    What do you mean by "orbs"? I've never heard that acronym/standard.
  2. M

    New PowerMacs released!

    We just received a grant to convert one of our labs to a full multi-media lab. The "mac addicts" in charge of the project wanted to order the new iMacs to save a few bucks. I laid down the law that IT will not support the system if they insist on iMacs. I've seen the tech support problems...
  3. M

    New PowerMacs released!

    Staring with this last February's Apple orders I have been on my own private campaign to get all new macs equipped with CD burners. I have also been lecturing ("laying down the line?") to incoming freshman that we will not be supporting floppy disks and that they need to buy zip disk/zip...
  4. M

    New PowerMacs released!

    Your comment appears to sound that the professors are all using college-provided Macs at their homes. Not true. I am referring to the countless professors who have home computers (mac or otherwise) without CD-Burners. Yes, I have a burner on my home machine and I use that instead of zips...
  5. M

    New PowerMacs released!

    Plus the USB zips with no power supply cost more than the $89 internal kit that apple used to offer.
  6. M

    New PowerMacs released!

    You're missing my point uoba. I don't want a bunch of external media and its cabling in my labs. Besides the additional theft factor, it looks like hell and introduces one more factor into the reliability of the products. The more connections you have, the more chances of problems you will...
  7. M

    New PowerMacs released!

    What most people don't know (my apple sales rep told me) is that internal zip drives aren't even an option with the new dual processor G4s. Quote: "3rd-party vendors will be offering internal zip drive kits." Come on Apple! Your customers are mostly education and they do a lot of work...
  8. M

    Installing Mac OS X 10.2 6C98.

    The beauty of charlessoft's boot CD is that it isn't an OSX installer. You can make speciality bootup utility CDs.
  9. M

    Installing Mac OS X 10.2 6C98.

    To make a bootable OSX CD, go to and download his boot cd app (568k). When you make the boot CD just drag whatever apps you want onto that boot CD (i.e. disk utility, diskcopy, norton, whatever). The apps you drop will appear in the dock when you boot off of...
  10. M

    Will your next Mac have this?

    I'm referring to putting 2gb of regular ram as a cache, not the more expensive memory typically used. This would be in addition to the normal memory slots you would stick modules in
  11. M

    Installing Mac OS X 10.2 6C98.

    I have to install OSX frequently on my college's machines. Nothing irks me more than having to waste a lot of time downloading updates, rebooting, then having to download more updates (because to download update 2 you MUST have update 1 installed), rebooting, ad nauseum. Does jaguar fix my...
  12. M

    Will your next Mac have this?

    I think everyone is missing the boat when it comes to REALLY speeding up a computer. It's not the bus speed, CPU speed, or the amount of memory. It really boils down to getting Apple, M$, Redheat, and motherboard manufacturers to implement some serious caching and "usage analysis" Memory is...
  13. M

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    I've been in computer support since 79 (PCs starting in 89). I first used a Mac in 92 to do cad drawings for our site plans (passed on to me by the person who did it previously). I hated the damn thing as it consistently gave me the dreaded bomb. I quickly switched to a PC version. Alone...
  14. M

    Wireless Beige G3 OSX?

    That's what I thought. I looked at that card and couldn't find OSX drivers
  15. M

    Wireless Beige G3 OSX?

    I've got a beige G3 running OSX server with a PCI USB card. I want either a PCI 802.11b or a USB version to work with this animal. Anyone know of a solution that will work?