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  1. L

    Dell going out of business

    Well I think I will add to this alittle bit. :D " Anything is better than Windows" Where did that come from? Neither the MAC OS or Windows are better or worse than the other. With any OS there are good points and bad points, and people like or dislike them for different reasons...
  2. L

    Mac Hardware supports Windows XP

    Pc's don't perform 3 times as fast as MAC's. You have 2 totaly different platforms here. Each is fast in it's own world.
  3. L

    a sad day for Be

    themacko, I see your point, but Steve could sell his OS and make money, alot of it if he played his cards right. I know they make money on the hardware, thats why it is out of this world expensive. He had a good chance to do it back when IBM screwed up back in the early 80's. If he...
  4. L

    a sad day for Be

    We were talking about BEOS on another BBS and we think that MS might buy it. It would be the perfect Linux killer. The MAC OS is here to stay though, don't think you will have anything to worry about. I am still waiting to see if Steve will come to his senses and do the MAC OS for the...
  5. L

    How big is your hard drive?

    2 x 80g 1 x 60g 1 x 40g 1 x 13g
  6. L

    Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!

    Neither is better than the other. Both have their following. It is hard to beat a MAC in their nick market, Highend graphics, as they are very fast.:D It is a choice that the user makes when he or she buys the machine. MAC's don't out perform PC's in general, it is more application...
  7. L

    Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!

    FrgMstr, Have to disagree here. Yes NT based OS's have the BSD, but it not the same as 9X. What happens is the OS goes to a blue screen with the error at the top of the screen and it begins to dump the memory to the hard drive. You don't have an option to get out of it. Reboot the machine and...