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  1. J


    Okay, first draft was shite........ Sorry, this time I have the help of Rosa and I will do much better. Okay here it comes.... I have a 9600/300 and it makes a hell of a noise ( the FAN!!!!!) :) How on earth can I change that???? Please help Jean
  2. J


    Hi There, Im got a 9600/300 and the van makes so much noise...... How on earth can I change that? Is it possible to change the van model ??? if so wich one? Please help, I want tom work on it but quietly:) Jean
  3. J

    How to install Mac Os X in my Pc

    Hi there, I have a Pc Laptop along with my macs and I really would like to kick windowze in the but and install Mac OS X instead. I saw here someone doing it! How did he do it?????? Please help, that would be really cool :) Take Care Jean