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  1. D

    Powerbook G4 Titanium Keyboard, HD, AirPort, and Combo Drive Problems

    Hey there, First off, thanks for offering volunteer free support. Second, I'm a technically inclined person.. so.. please talk over my head :). Third.. I have some sort of hardware problem. I inherited a powerbook G4 Titanium Murcury 400Mhz with 512MB of ram and a 40GB Hard...
  2. D

    Powerbook G4 Titanium Keyboard/PMU/ComboDrive/HardDrive issues

    Update, Item 6 resolved. Hard drive was on cable select. Item 1, Keyboard issue is identified.. so I know what to do to handle that. The rest are still open. Thanks for your help!
  3. D

    Powerbook G4 Titanium Keyboard/PMU/ComboDrive/HardDrive issues

    Hey there, First off, thanks for offering volunteer free support. Second, I'm a technically inclined person.. so.. please talk over my head :). Third.. I have some sort of hardware problem. I inherited a powerbook G4 Titanium Murcury 400Mhz with 512MB of ram and a 40GB Hard...