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  1. vm.mayer

    Terminal Commands --

    I have a bunch of perl scripts that I routinely use at both work and home. fpid - Essentially a ps -aux piped to a grep. Syntax:: fpid search_string Usage:: allows you to quickly scan the full list of processes for a specific string (which may appear anywhere in the...
  2. vm.mayer

    Printing PDF files from a faceless app

    I've been doing some more digging through the online documentation and think I might be onto a somewhat convoluted solution... [list=a]Does anybody think this will (or won't) work ? Can anybody see a way to shortcut this? [/list=a] Proposed Solution: :rolleyes: Build a faceless cocoa...
  3. vm.mayer

    How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

    Apple ][e <--- can I count this... (not a mac, but still apple) SE IIsi Centris 650 UMAX C600 <--- does this count for the vote? Blue/White G3 Titanium G4
  4. vm.mayer

    Printing PDF files from a faceless app

    Although I have been coding in various *NIX environments for over a decade, I am still trying to figure out this whole Darwin/Cocoa/Carbon "thing." Please excuse me if this is a stupid question... I routinely download multiple PDF files from a remote site automatically using a Perl script...