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  1. S

    **Whole New System Advice Please**

    Bobaneena, Don't listen to bull like the above, because that's just what it is. Bull. I'm using my PM G5 on my Westinghouse LTV-19W3 19" Widescreen LCD at @ 1440 x 900 on the DVI input and it looks beautiful. I also use my HP Media Center PC on the VGA input it it looks great too. It...
  2. S

    FS: Complete Mac Mini System

    The Mini and its friends have SOLD!
  3. S

    FS: Complete Mac Mini System

    Hi Folks, Just yesterday I made my trek to the Apple Store and brought home a brand spanking new 20" iMac CoreDuo :) Now in order to afford that purchase, I need to sell my faithful Mac Mini and it's friends. Here's what's for sale: Mac Mini 1.42 GHz. G4 512MB RAM 80 GB HD...