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  1. P

    iTunes IPs

    Right folks, got to go to bed - the girlfriend is calling.... I'm shutting down. I hope you enjoyed it. Lets keep this thread open and I suggest people post their IPs when they get online so we can share when we want. I'm pleased to know it works - even if I didn't get to try it!? all...
  2. P

    iTunes IPs

    OK folks there are now 4 of you connected to my iTunes so I'm expecting the latency to get pretty bad as I've only got 256Kbs up stream. You have been warned! Someone else please post their IP!! P
  3. P

    iTunes IPs

    You can check if someone is connected by going into itunes -> preferences -> sharing. At the bottom it tell you whether your sharing is on and whether you have anyone connected. P
  4. P

    iTunes IPs

    What track are you listening to? It's pretty cool at this end. I'm sitting in rainy old england and knowing that somebody is checking out my music from 100s of miles away. cool. You need to go into the web interface for your wireless router and find out what IP address it has. You then need...
  5. P

    iTunes IPs

    I thought it would be a good thing to start a thread with itunes IP address so that people could connect and share. What does everyone think? would people be up for posting IP's so that people can connect and share their iTunes library? I'll start my IP is: I've opened port...
  6. P

    iPhoto/Movie in SW update

    To my knowledge it is not possible to order prints outside the US. Apple sort it out, the way the US economy is going at the moment it may only be people outside the US who can afford it!.
  7. P

    'Order prints' doesn't work outside US?

    If you want to order prints, do you have to have a .mac subscription, or is it because I'm outside the motherland (US) that it doesn't work for me?
  8. P

    Apple: Webbriddle on

    This entire game is run by an 'online game and strategy' marketing company based in the UK. They were commissioned by Dreamworks to work on the web based marketing for AI and then have moved to market for BMW. I think you'll find that one of the posters amongst you will actual be a employee and...
  9. P

    RE: military and Apple

    The British Security service MI5 use Apple computers exclusively because they're almost entirely hacker proof (if set up correctly). Also all security personel working abroad requiring a 'secure working environment' have their PC replaced with Apple machine immediately. Not that I would know...