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  1. M

    Stuck on Tomcat

    You've probably done this, but make sure you've got permissions to the entire jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3 directory. You need to be able to write to the logs dir. and execute what's in bin. However, I think you'd get errors in the response when you run the script if permissions were...
  2. M

    Stuck on Tomcat

    I downloaded jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3.tar.gz. Initially I had problems because I was using the jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3 folder that resulted from Stuffit automatically unpacking and decompressing. Don't use that. Discard the folder created by Stuffit (and make sure Stuffit isn't set in its...
  3. M

    Stuck on Tomcat

    I'm trying to move a JSP-based web site from NT/IIS to OS X/Apache. I've installed Tomcat 4.0.3 with Apache on OS X 10.1.3. I can run the Tomcat examples via Tomcat's web server (localhost:8080) and via Apache (localhost). I put my JSP code in /webapps/mydir/, configure Tomcat's server.xml...