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    g4 powerbook fails on start-up

    Hi All and Happy New Year! mine has started badly with my G4 Powerbook failing to start-up and with a design deadline looming within the next 24hrs - am desperate for help! PB was running fine yesterday but then Freehand froze so I force quit - and thats when EVERYTHING froze so...
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    dreamweaver mx - overlapping problems

    Am setting up a petty basic website and have come across a fundamental problem. I have the doc set to 1024 x 768…and on the home page there are a number of pictures (on a layer/s) sitting above a colored band which stretches the full width of the page. When I minimise the browser window...
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    dreamweaver MX - positioning problems!

    Hi all I need to create a solid banner of colour that sits along the foot of every page of a site. I have created a new CSS style that has all the attributes I need...100% width, absolute placement, 50pixels high etc etc....but when I preview in browser - it is totally blank. any help...
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    Dreamweaver MX - positional problems!

    Hi All I am working on a website at the mo where I have a series of polygonal rollover buttons - they need to butt up against eachother.....and I cant figure out how to do it! when I preview in browser - there is a white space between each button (as per attached screen grab) how can I...
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    Freehand MX - websafe color problems!

    Hi all I have just designed a banner for a new website of mine which has a lime green element to it. I selected the lime from the websafe colour library in the colors palette - unfortunately - when published, the green is MINT, and not a hint of LIME! I exported as a tif file. can...
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    Final Cut Pro advice needed!

    Hi everyone I have a contact who is a doco film maker and uses Final Cut Pro to cut and edit all her movies. As this is not my area of expertise am posting here to grab some advice for her if poss. She currently has a Powermac G4 677mhz with 768mb RAM and is running FCP 3.0. She is about...
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    Epson StylusPhoto R230 - not printing to CD

    apparently the R220 and R240 are fine.....this problem just affects the R230....typical!
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    Epson StylusPhoto R230 - not printing to CD

    Hi again.... I thought I would reply to my own post (!) as FINALLY, after a week of messing around - this problem is on the verge of being solved! Epson have just confirmed that the version of Epson EasyPrint CD included with this printer (1.4.0), aswell as the downloadable drivers from...
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    Epson StylusPhoto R230 - not printing to CD

    Hi all I bought this printer yesterday specifically to be able to print to CD - and it is the ONE function that WILL not work! I have a dual 2.3GHz G5 running OS 10.4.3....installed the drivers from the disc. inetrestingly, the drivers on the disc were only for the R200 and R300...