Search results

  1. M

    Windows Multimedia System For Sale

    I haven't priced everything seperately since I bought it (and its not worth that anymore)...hows $1600 for a shot in the dark?
  2. M

    Windows Multimedia System For Sale

    ...I'm holding off on for now. They charge 15% on the sale. Which is nothing unless you're selling something in the thousands of dollars... then its a $300+ cut, which I guess isn't too bad, but I want to see if I can sell it on my own first... Thanks anyway - MovMkr
  3. M

    Windows Multimedia System For Sale

    I know this board is for selling Macs but the reason I'm selling this computer is so that I can get a Mac (still debating iMac or the next update of the Titanium-whenever that comes). Anyway here are the specs, if anyone wants to post what they think its worth feel free. I'd like to get in the...