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  1. C

    iMac G5 Headphone Port

    alright, it goes like this: success! i did the toothpick thing and it worked out great, the little piece came out flawlessly. Or, perhaps not, because now when I try to plug something into the port, as you stick it in a little red light from within the port goes on, and no noise comes from the...
  2. C

    iMac G5 Headphone Port

    ahhh thanks man, thats pretty clever, i defienetly wouldnt have thought of that myself. i shall try that, due to the fact that I'm no longer under warranty. thanks for the help, and the welcome. :)
  3. C

    iMac G5 Headphone Port

    Hi everyone, i'm new to the community. Anyhow, I had a pair of headphones plugged into the back of my iMac, and someone accidentaly tripped over the cord and ripped it out. To my dismay, when I inspected the damage, I realized that the end of the headphphones, the little gold...