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  1. R

    10.2 php Enable

    Enabling PHP requires making changes to UNIX configuration files in the Terminal application. To enable PHP, you must be comfortable with typing UNIX commands and using a UNIX text editor. To enable PHP: 1 In the Terminal application, use a text editor to edit /etc/httpd/httpd.conf 2...
  2. R

    Cool Tool for all Soccer Fans!

    Check out this cool little Application (916KB) from Pier Luigi Covarelli. The App 'KoreaJapan 2002' is available for MacOS 8.x-9.x, MacOS X and Windows (incl. XP).
  3. R

    Apple Garamond Font... Needed! Had it, but now gone!

    You want it? Take it! ;) Apple Garamond TrueType (Format: zip - 232 KByte)
  4. R

    How 2 uninstall Norton SW?

    Hi TommyGun You can remove all Norton Software components from the original Install CD. Just start the Installation and choose "Deinstall" from the Pop-up Menu. To remove the start-up message, open your system preferences and click on the "login" Button. Here you can remove the Norton...
  5. R

    Desktop picture tibook

    I think this "Apple" PowerBook G4 Desktop Picture (see attachment) looks great too. If you like it, you can download the picture in different Resolutions from here. :cool:
  6. R

    New german Mac OS X Forum

    Everbody is welcome to visit the new german "OSXServer Forum". An alle deutschsprachigen Mac-OS X User: Wir würden uns sehr freuen, euch auf unserem noch jungen Forum begrüssen zu dürfen. Bei uns dreht sich alles um Mac-OS X, in Deutsch. Schaut doch einfach mal vorbei und bildet euch ein...
  7. R

    remounting smb shares

    No problem, the application you need is "Script Editor". It's located in the AppleScript folder inside the Applications folder. Just open "Script Editor" and type the Code from the screenshot in my second post and replace the variables with your own entrys. Than choose "Save as Application"...
  8. R

    remounting smb shares

    Sorry everybody, I don't know why the script looks like that in my post. So I attach a screenshot.
  9. R

    remounting smb shares

    Try this AppleScript: Open the Script Editor and type: tell application Finder open "smb://<group>;<username>:-<password>@<servername>/-<share>" end tell Save it as application.