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  1. B

    French characters in Terminal (é,à,è..)

    I tried one more time and it worked. the directory was called "Supprime\314\201/" instead of "Supprimé" Thanks for your help. b!gl00z3
  2. B

    French characters in Terminal (é,à,è..)

    I've tried but it's not working. I'm trying to type the following command: [localhost:~] me% sudo rm -rf "/Users/00z3 suprimé" I'm trying to do this because 00z3 is a user I have deleted but I can still see the folder "00z3 suprimé" in the Users directory.
  3. B

    French characters in Terminal (é,à,è..)

    Does anybody know how to use French characters in the Terminal (é, à, è...). I've been trying to delete a file that contain "é" but when I try to writte the letter it just doesn't write anything. Thanks b!gl00z3