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  1. G

    Tiger CD not opening on a G4

    I have tried booting from the DVD by holding down the "C" key and also by starting from the installer in the first place. I have also tried selecting the DVD as the start up disc in Control Panels but nothing works, all I get is a continuing black screen.
  2. G

    Tiger CD not opening on a G4

    Hi, the disk is a new copy bought from Amazon and isn't scratched or dirty. I'll try re bootong with OS9 later today and let you know how i get on.
  3. G


    Hi, I've tried re booting using the C kay and also by having the disc in and selecting it in the control panel as the start up disc- neither works. The disc is a black retail copy I bought from Amazon.
  4. G

    Tiger CD not opening on a G4

    Hello, no matter what I do I can't get my Tiger CD to open up after restart, the G4 computer won't recognise it at all. I have a DVD drive installed, so does anyone know what's gone wrong? Thank you.
  5. G


    Hello, no matter what I do I can't get my G4 to see the CD on my DVD drive to install Tiger. It just won't recognise it as the start up disc to let me install. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, can they help? Thank you!