Search results

  1. D

    SENDMAIL on Mac OS 10.4

    Modifing the hostconfig file isn't the problem. I can do that easily by through pico (sudo pico /etc/hostconfig). It's putting SENDMAIL in the StartupItems directory correctly. Under /System/Library/StartupItems there are a number of application folders set to start at the Systems startup...
  2. D

    SENDMAIL on Mac OS 10.4

    I've been wanting to active SENDMAIL at startup on my PowerBook but my config seems to be out of line w/ everyone else, at least everyone on the web posting instructions on how to activate it. I see a lot of documention on simply editing the /etc/hostconfig's MAILSERVER option to YES, but there...
  3. D

    trouble w/ compiling fragrouter due to libnet

    actually, I just learned what the difference between fragroute and fragrouter is. As stated in fragroute's man page: Unlike fragrouter(8), this program only affects packets originating from the local machine destined for a remote host. Do not enable IP forwarding on...
  4. D

    trouble w/ compiling fragrouter due to libnet

    hey tomdkat, thanks for taking a look. when I went back to search for other sources that could be more inline with Mac OS X I found that fragroute had already been ported over by DarwinPort. there was some discretion with using the version available by DarwinPort as it is ver. 1.2 and the...
  5. D

    trouble w/ compiling fragrouter due to libnet

    hey all, I know this is a reach as I've found nobody talking about running fragrouter on Mac OS X, but I'm really interested in getting this stable. I've had a number of issues come up during the configure and the start of make that I've been able to resolve through write-ups on other...