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    iPod keeps asking me which language...

    ... I want to use I get about 10 seconds to click to my podcast and then the apple sign comes on and the ipod dies.
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    iPod not updating recently

    It turned out that there was something wrong with my USB plug because a USB-stick didn't work either. I reinstalled OS X and now it's up and running.
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    iPod not updating recently

    All is well now and my computer can recognize the USB stick and ipod. I just reinstalled OS X. It's two years old now so the warranty has expired. Thank you so much for all the tips! If it is a logic board problem, then I will have to get it serviced?
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    iPod not updating recently

    I tried the cable and ipod with my husbands powerbook and it worked just fine... so I am pretty sure the problem lies with my ibook and the USB ports. Would reinstalling OSX help?
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    iPod not updating recently

    I have the same situation with my iBook G4 and iPod nano. I've tried the alt+apple+p+r reboot -- nothing. I tried a memory stick in the USB port and it doesn't work either. I'm also waiting for a reply....