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    BootCD v0.3 help

    ahhhh, i see. I actually started to do that... but thought for some reason it wouldn't make a difference and that I'd be just wasting another CD, so i stopped! Thanks! I'll give that a try. Angela
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    BootCD v0.3 help

    Hello everyone. I have an iMac powerPC G3 with OS 10.1.5 on it, with OS9 also installed (i haven't changed anything on it, its the same as how it came from Apple) And all yesterday i searched through old threads here looking for help on how to make a bootable disk using BootCD v.03, and I...
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    FTP questions

    Thanks for your reply. I tried your suggestion, but it kind of led me to the same place I was at the first time I tried. When I ftp into that users account, the folder I created (called FTP Share), just shows up as a file, not as a directory. Even with all the privledges enabled as...
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    FTP questions

    Hi This will probably seen like an easy question, but I'm new to Mac's and unix, and thinking on my own isn't my strong I can't quite figure it out. I've set up my computer to allow ftp access, and i setup a user, and added them to the ftpchroot file in /etc. So now they...