Search results

  1. Claus Lundholm

    Flash a Geforce 4 for PC?

    Hello... IS it possiple to flash a Point of View GeForce 4 MX graphic card for PC so i can use it on a Mac computer? I know some have had success on doing this on Geforce 3 cards. If it's possiple, then how do you flash it?
  2. Claus Lundholm

    Kodak USB Card Reader with Jaguar?

    I use this driver for my Kodak USB Card Reader and it works just fine!
  3. Claus Lundholm

    Safari and Java Problems, anyone else??

    You can find the plug-in at Versiontracker.
  4. Claus Lundholm

    Going to Miami

    Hello, In september i will leave Denmark and travel to Miami to visit a friend for a month or two. I want to buy an PowerBook Titanium in U.S because it's cheaper than in Denmark. But where can you buy one of those in Miami? Claus...
  5. Claus Lundholm

    Denmark DESTROYS France 2-0, leaving the defending champions scoreless!

    Yeees... this will be a good day anyway... I hope that we will win again on Saturday :)
  6. Claus Lundholm

    Problems with prefs in IE 5.1.4

    I have some problems with my IE 5.1.4 that it won't remember any of the settings i do and it won't remember any cookies aswell. It's the only app i have problems with! Any help on this? Claus...
  7. Claus Lundholm

    Desktop printer!

    Is it possible to have a desktop printer as you can in Classic? And if yes how do i create one? CL
  8. Claus Lundholm


    Is it just me who really miss Apple's e-World community?!? When i used way back in time i thought that this community was so cool and so Mac'ish! I think it could be a success to reopen e-World as an internetportal just for Macusers only (i think) :D Apple could call it iWorld this time!
  9. Claus Lundholm

    iWalk or not!?!

    Okay, I now have 2 choices: Buy the new iPaq with Bluetooth or the Siemens SX45! But which one is the best and are both of them capable of sync with Mac OS X and a Cube?
  10. Claus Lundholm

    iWalk or not!?!

    Hello! For some time ago i saw some pictures of a gadget called iWalk on Spymac. Was these pictures fake or real? If not will Apple develop a PDA like the one i saw saw on Spymac. I'm asking because i want to purchase an PDA and don't want to buy one if Apple will release one! If Apple...
  11. Claus Lundholm

    Picture of your setup

    And here is my small setup at my old place! \ Lundholm