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  1. S

    Applescript for mounting AFP volumes OS 10.4.9

    The reason I am writing the script is that the operators do not like to have to option-click to close all the mounted volume windows. So I'm still looking for advice on how to fix this script or write a new one that will not require any user intervention. Thanks
  2. S

    Applescript for mounting AFP volumes OS 10.4.9

    I have written the following script, when I run it I get different results. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I am trying to automount AFP volumes without any user interface at startup. The script that is written will be placed in the login items one it works! Here is the script...
  3. S

    MacOS 10.3.9 disconnects from Win2003 Server

    I have 25 Macs (mostly G4's) on a network connecting to a Windows2003 server. Several times during a work week the mac's will disconnect from the server when copying or writing a file. Has anyone else experienced this?