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  1. S

    OpenSSL MD5 String

    Is there a way using openssl to get the md5 hash from a string instead of a file... this is what I use now... Code: NSTask *bam = [[NSTask alloc] init]; [bam setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/env"]; [bam setArguments: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"openssl", @"dgst"...
  2. S

    Downloading Progress

    Hi I'd like to make a very simple downloading program. Here is what I have and I want my progress bar to indicate where how much of the file the program has downloaded. Anway here is my code: /* Controller.h */ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @interface Controller : NSObject {...
  3. S

    Q3 Mod Making

    Can anyone steer me into the right direction for Q3 mod making on the Mac. I'm using the Apple dev tools and Codewarrior 7, with C++ knowlage and some C. I have tried numerous sites, though I cannot find the Q3 Game source for mac. All the files I seem to find end in a .exe, if anyone can help...