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  1. D

    AirPort Card

    Does the Apple AirPort Card support wireless printing (Not AirPort Express)? I was thinking of getting a bluetooth device thing made by HP for an HP printer, and I was just wondering if it would print out. I'm mad because my Dell printer won't connect with my Mac (it's a USB printer). I know...
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    iWeb Publishing

    Is there any way I can publish my site to something other than a .Mac account. I hate going and creating a new .Mac account everytime it expires. It becomes quite annoying.
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    iWeb Photos

    Yeah um...nevermind. I found out how. XD
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    iWeb Photos

    Anyone know? XD
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    Old G3 worth my time?

    Is there anyway that you can install Ubuntu Linux and keeping Mac OS X, like a dual-boot thing? Jw, someone reminded me of this.
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    iWeb Photos

    Is there any way that I can put thumbnails for pictures instead of the actual size, or iWeb making it smaller. I want to put thumbnails of wallpapers and stuff on my site. And I also have a question about publishing my iWeb site to another host. Can I do that? And how?
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    Viruses On Os X

    Do you think that it would be wise to get Norton Personal Firewall for Mac? Or Norton Solutions? I'm just wondering if the firewall is good enough. xD
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    Aperture or Photoshop

    For those who have used these, which would you prefer? I have Adobe Photoshop and Imageready CS2 on my Mac. I just want to see how Aperture is.
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    PC user needing help with Mac...

    I had that too, you have no operating sytem installed. I had to borrow a CD from my friend to install it.
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    iChat and AIM

    Okay, yesterday I got AIM for my Mac and they were working fine, then late at night (And today) they suddenly do not work. I don't know if it's my internet or something but it doesn't work on my Dell either. iChat isn't signing me into my .Mac account. Rawr. Is there some special thing...
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    Installing Mac OS X on a blank hard drive

    Well, I recently bought an eMac from a friend of my Uncle. It has a blank 40 GB Hard drive. How do I install Mac OS X onto it? Do I just pop in the disc and hold down the C key when it's installing?