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  1. S

    Alternate Typography (Papyrus)

    So I'm using the Papyrus font for a project I'm doing on Photoshop. I like to use its alternate typography options like "Large Capitals" and "Alternate Large Capitals", both of which I can access in the actions menu on the font/character palette in most Mac OS X (Cocoa?) apps. My problem is...
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    What's the deal with .pkg installers?'s a security issue? People are afraid of having the program install weird files, or worse, mess up directories & files? I guess that makes sense. I sometimes wonder why some apps don't just use a .dmg file, why I have to open an installer, go through all the steps, blah blah blah...
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    What's the deal with .pkg installers?

    hello there; as i usually scour versiontracker for advice prior to downloading something, i've come across many debates in the various app forums. one thing that consistently comes up is the use of a .pkg installer. seems some people are adverse to using programs that utilize this method of...
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    "" email virus?

    Mine was as follows: Hello user of e-mail server, Some of our clients complained about the spam (negative e-mail content) outgoing from your e-mail account. Probably, you have been infected by a proxy-relay trojan server. In order to keep your computer safe, follow the...
  5. S

    "" email virus?

    I just got an email from the McAfee guys and, yes, it's the W32.Beagle.J@MM.
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    "" email virus?

    Sweet! That's good to know. But I guess that begs the question: why even send this mailer out to .mac subscribers if it won't affect a Mac? Who would go through the trouble of faking a "" email address and feigning tech support? What would the purpose be?
  7. S

    "" email virus?

    Yeah, I figured it was suspicious b/c of the ZIP and EXE files. But the message was misleading. The ZIP file was stored in a folder, so I couldn't see it was a ZIP until I unstuffed it. I know it's a bogus email. I just wanna know if my computer is OK. I ran Virex and all looked OK, but...
  8. S

    "" email virus?

    Anybody with a .Mac account receive an email supposedly from "" claiming people have been complaining about spam from their .Mac email account? I just did and it instructed me to download a password protected zip file (which I stupidly did). Upon unstuffing, an .exe file shows up...
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    Network Preferences Lockout

    I ended up having to do a clean reinstall of the system software. That worked, but it sucked.
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    The Thin Blue Line: TiBook Screen

    I don't think it's a software problem, because when I bend the screen slightly, the line goes away, and when I let go, it comes back.
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    The Thin Blue Line: TiBook Screen

    Hello all: I've got a TiBook 500, and all of a sudden, I have a thin blue vertical line on the right side of my screen. It goes away if I put pressure on the edge of my screen, but I'm guess it's something hardware related. Any quick fixes? Or am I screwed?
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    Network Preferences Lockout

    So, I tried to take your advise and discovered another disturbing thing: when I try to open the terminal, the icon pops up in the dock, and then closes itself. So if it is a permissions thing, I don't know, because OSX won't let me open the terminal to input your command. This is more serious...
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    Network Preferences Lockout

    Hello all. Not sure if this has been a common problem in Jaguar, but I've been locked out of my Network Preferences. My DSL and Dialup have been working fine ever since I installed Jaguar, but after installing the latest update (10.2.2) I have not been able to change my Network Prefs. My Airport...
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    Blue Screen, Spinning Cursor at shutdown

    I had this exact same problem a couple weeks back (although when I posted the issue, not one person replied :(. You managed to get 2 pages worth!). It was Norton Utilities X, specifically, at least for me, the "DTDaemon" file in the Norton Support folder in the system library. When I...
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    Cannot Shutdown! Argh!

    Hello all: So, after optimizing my hard drive with Norton Utilities' Speed Disk (off the Boot CD, in Classic 9.2.1), my G4 Powerbook running 10.1.4 will not shutdown. It just hangs with the blue screen and the spinning rainbow wheel of death. I've tried the trick where you hold down...
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    HP Laserjet 6mp serial to USB

    No, the print center can't even find my Laserjet. I looked everywhere for drivers. I downloaded HP's set of drivers for OSX. I looked on Adobe's site, but they only have old Postscript drivers for Classic. It's as if my printer doesn't exist to my G4. I'm not a UNIX guy. I'm not a programmer...
  17. S

    HP Laserjet 6mp serial to USB

    Hello all, I am running Mac OSX 10.1.4 and want to use my old HP Laserjet 6MP on my Titanium G4 Powerbook. The Laserjet only had a serial out, and my Powerbook only has a USB in. I bought a Keyspan serial to USB adapter but cannot get the Print Center to recognize my Laserjet. Does OSX...