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  1. P

    Register Here

    my name is my passport. register me.
  2. P

    Brushed metal

    I'd also like to see it something that could be turned off. It doesn't bother me in certain things. Quicktime, iMovie, iTunes, are all great because they are sort of physical in nature. But the instant messenger and sherlock don't really need it. It doesn't seem to fit. The IM should look like a...
  3. P

    Rant: Quit yer whinin' (QE)

    Sure, I feel a little sad that my iBook may not see the phenominal gui progression that others may see with Jaguar (pronounced jagwire as apple is an American company, though I think jag-you-uhr sounds cooler, and that's how I pronounce the sublime driving machines of the same name) but I...
  4. P

    About Web Browsers....

    I've been using Mozilla 1.0RC2. (here's the smi) for a little while now, and I must say I really like it. MUCH better (read: faster, less bloated, with cool popunder disable capabilities) than netscape, and it also *seems* more stable than MSIE. I also have been playing with Chimera (here's the...