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  1. J

    Reordering Table Rows

    I am sure this is really easy, and I am just not thinking straight, but how do i impliment reordering of column rows in an NSTableView? Do i need to make it drag and drop? If someone could just point me in the direction of some info on this it would be much appreciated.
  2. J

    table column in cocoa

    ok, I have an NSTableView built in IB, but i want to add the columns as needed in code. The init function the have listed is initWithIdentifier, but it gives me a warning that indicates to me that it isn't working right (i think). this is the line in question NSTableColumn *aColumn =...
  3. J

    I need a timer (stopwatch)

    Does anyone know how to can use a stopwatch timer in cocoa? I want to be able to stop, start, and reset it. From what I have read about NSTimer, it does not do what I want. Thanks