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  1. P

    jaguer query

    Actually Microsoft just started charging for their upgrades and absolutely everything also. Dickheads.... its not like they need the money. Apple at lease could use the extra cash, Macrosoft No.
  2. P

    The stupidest thing you've ever done

    Years ago, I actually crashed my bike into a parked car. The main problem was that I put a huge dent in the car and the driver was just sitting in it reading a book. So, they sued my for the thousand eight hundred bucks that it took to remove the whole side body panel and repace it on their...
  3. P

    Login Screen Customization

    Just a note, as im sure that you may have allready found many applications that change the login screens and wallpaper, however, almost every one that I have used has obnoxious bugs in them. My suggestion: either use a program called "Visage" which you can find at, or do...
  4. P

    Changing the Login Window

    The problem is that ResExcellence recomends that you use the "Visage" applcation, which, I think, generally sucks. Once I installed a custom login screen, not using Visage, it was rendered completely useless, it simply doesent work any more. So, I still am looking for alternitives...
  5. P

    You and Apple history

    I still have a bunch of LCs and they work fine, I overclocked my LCIII and use it as an instant messaging terminal. Works great.
  6. P

    Changing the Login Window

    This is a Question: Has anyone seen any utilities or such for changing the look of the login window, including but not limited to: Background, Window size, window graphics...? Where are all those graphics stored in the system?