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  1. M

    Okay, last 24hrs...

    So Mr. Admin closed the site, took his toys, and didn't want to play anymore. Whoopty. He made no stance on the issue, what he did was make himself out to be the powerhungry site admin that he's always been (from what I understand, I didn't frequent this site much). This site isn't...
  2. M

    What's your Internet connection ? How much ? Worth it ?

    AT&T Broadband here, 1.5/128 (I think, maybe 256 up).... I've been happy with them, they do me good... 5 or 6 email addresses, 10 mb each email address for webspace... when I signed up, they gave me a static ip, but after the loss of @home, they took it away... works great serving my 3...
  3. M

    Why Mac if you have PC at home? (Why "Switch"?)

    I recently switched, bought a new iBook 700 with 640 MB ram and the 40 Gig harddrive after working with PC's for many years. I just got tired of the games that MS plays with versions... new version, bloated version, need new hardware, bloat, new, bloat, new, new bloat... Then with XP, and...
  4. M

    Apple Tech Support STINKS!

    When my daughter was first learning to pull herself up on things, she pulled herself up on a tray that I had sitting by my desk, with my Dell laptop sitting on it. She pulled down the tray, laptop, and a couple of big programming books that I have, all come crashing down... keyboard was not...