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  1. I

    Adding applescript support to UNIX apps

    I wouldn't try. You'd have to first find out a means of communicating with the application (because they don't respond to AppleEvents). If that existed, which I doubt would be case many times, you'd need to create a wrapper application that responded to AppleEvents and then passed on messages to...
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    learning C

    To make your first "Hello World" program, I suggest you start getting in the habit of using Project Builder. It has a great source editor, and is indispensable for resource management for large projects. When you're creating large Cocoa applications with hundreds of classes, nib files, and other...
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    A couple of Jaguar questions... !

    1) I've noticed this in Chimera as well. 2) I agree that it's ugly, but the ruler's very useful for setting tab stops. You can set left-, right-, centre-, or decimal- aligned tab stops. You can also quickly change the text's justification If you want to quickly show or hide it, press...
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    OS X Fonts! ...

    Yip, you can install TTF files fine on Mac OS X. And just FYI, OS X uses UNIX-style paths, so instead of the backslash (\) to separate components in a file path, forward slashes (/) are used. So, you can install your fonts in /Library/Fonts or ~/Library/Fonts. You may also see the colon (:) used...
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    learning C

    If you've installed the dev tools, you'll have gcc. Type "man cc" at the command line for more info.
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    using carbon for portability

    Note that this application will need to be complied on a compilier that produces CFM binaries. Project Builder doesn't do this.
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    using carbon for portability

    Here's a simple application that should do what you want: #include < Dialogs.h > int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { InitCursor(); StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, "\pThis is main heading of the alert.", "\pThis is the explanation of the alert."...
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    Menu Extras question

    They are placed in the order that they launch. You could try re-ordering the applications in the Login Items pref pane.
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    using carbon for portability

    Don't look in the flat headers, look in /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/HIToolbook.framework/Headers/Dialogs.h
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    using carbon for portability

    Have a look at StandardAlert() in Dialogs.h. It displays a standard dialog (and is avaliable in the Classic Mac OS).
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    Menu Extras question

    Command-drag moves menu extras, based a private Apple API. Meteorologist and WeatherManX use a public API, NSStatusItem, which means they cannot be moved around the in the menubar.
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    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    Euhh...qu'est-ce que je parle? Anglais, français. Parlo italiano anche. Oh! You mean *programming* languages... C, Objective-C, PHP, HTML, basic CSS (not really programming, but hey, HTML is there), AppleScript, probably some other ones.
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    using carbon for portability

    Why not take advantage of AppleScript? Like this: display dialog "The computer you are using is University property. As per the University Computer Use Policy, you may not alter the software or hardware. If you violate the Policy, we will track you down and put you in a microwave. And set it...
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    using carbon for portability

    I'm a Cocoa guy, so no... But I know that using straight Carbon calls to create an interface is rather painful. If you want classic compatiblilty (and I really don't see it being that great of an issue, with the death of Mac OS 9 and all) I suggest you take a look at some of the third-party...
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    C++ on Mac

    Just FYI, there is a rather large performance hit when using Cocoa-Java. This is because every message you send from Java is sent over a Java to Obj-C "bridge", which means repeated calls in a loop can be very slow. Here's a good article as to why using Cocoa-Java isn't a great idea...
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    using carbon for portability

    NIB files only work with Mac OS X. Sorry :(.