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  1. N

    Minium Requirements to upgrade from 9.2 to What?

    Again, thank you so much, like an idiot, I might have forgotten this vital step. I need a mac for dummies book!!
  2. N

    Minium Requirements to upgrade from 9.2 to What?

    WOW, I truly thank you all for your help! I haven't cracked any of these blueberries open yet, but I am sure they need bigger hard drives, and more RAM.... It might be cost effective to upgrade to more ram, and a refurbished hard drive. I have several HD's I have salvaged. I will go to apple...
  3. N

    Minium Requirements to upgrade from 9.2 to What?

    Hello, I am newly graduated computer technician, (votech), and not ONE word was taught to us about mac! I have inherited 9 (blueberry) imac's with 9.2 os, and 333mhz. I want to give one to all 7 of my grandkids. My question is what would be the latest operating system I could upgrade these...