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  1. M

    tinkertool 3 and panther

    I am trying to use tinker tool 3 to resolve screen appearance problems that I have with Panther, and that I have had since upgrading to Jaguar form 9.2 (blurry text on screen). Everytime I change the settings to completely turn off font smoothing in Quartz and turn off font smoothing for 144pt...
  2. M

    blurry screen on iMacG3 using Jaguar

    Thanks. I have tried changing all those settings, with no resultant change to the way the scrren and text look. i have also downloaded and used Tinker Tool, with no apparent change. Oh, well.
  3. M

    blurry screen on iMacG3 using Jaguar

    After upgrading from 0S9.0.4 (first I upgraded to OS X, then Jaguar, then downloaded 9.1) I'm basically giving up on using Jaguar on the iMac. Any icons, application text, or Jaguar menubar text is slightly blurry, enough that looking at the monitor for more than a minute makes anyone looking at...
  4. M

    blurry screen with iMacG3 using Jaguar

    After upgrading from 0S9.0.4 (first I upgraded to OS X, then Jaguar, then downloaded 9.1) I'm basically giving up on using Jaguar on the iMac. Any icons, application text, or Jaguar menubar text is slightly blurry, enough that looking at the monitor for more than a minute makes anyone looking at...