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  1. S

    ImageMagick Won't compile/make install

    I read somewhere, use Fink. I tried Fink and it showed some error, so I went to get the latest version of Fink. Fink has stopped supporting 10.1, so I am waiting until we can install 10.2 on a machine and the new version of Fink.
  2. S

    ImageMagick Won't compile/make install

    I have OSX 10.1 and ran the Image Magick configure and that went Ok. But the "make install" doesn't work. I took about 40 and showed pages and pages of text. Here is the last few lines of text make[3]: *** No rule to make target `/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE/libperl.a', needed by...
  3. S

    FileMaker Web Server Connect

    There was nothing on the Internet to answer my question, I eventually found the answer by accident, so I thought I'd post it here incase anyone else had the same problem. I am using FMPro Server, Apache Web Server and FMP Unlimited and FM Web Server Connect. I logged into Web Server Connect...
  4. S

    man not working

    like I said; sudo rejects my password. The server software was installed by someone else, I think the passwords for root login to the GUI and root login to the command line are different somehow.... is this possible? I looked in NetInfo and saw amongst the properties for user - root...
  5. S

    man not working

    Thankyou for the reply. I always log in as root, because sudo doesn't accept my root password - whereas the OSX login does. Also, when logged in as anyone but root, the up arrow does not scroll through previous commands, it just puts ^[[A on the command line. I am still working on getting...
  6. S

    man not working

    I don't know what I did - if anything, but now man doesn't work. if I type: man ls it says: /usr/bin/more: permission denied: .DS_Store [1] Usage: CFInforPlistConverter <bundlePath> <infoPlistPath> <bundleType> I think it is caused by "more" not working, which also comes up with...