1 GHz TiBook shut down when hot


About 3 weeks ago and again tonight, my 1GHz TiBook dropped to a strange shutdown/sleep mode. Everything was working fine, then *poof* the screen went black, power was plugged in but unlit, the sleep light was pulsing but the machine would not wake, power button did nothing. To make a long story short, unplugging the power supply from the _wall_ and plugging it right back in solved the problem. The first time the machine had actually shut down and had to be restarted. This time, it woke from sleep like nothing had happened. Both times the battery was at 100% before and then 2% after. No more than 10 - 15 minutes elapsed during either event. The machine doesn't seem any worse for the wear.

I was playing 3D intense games for several hours each time, so I'm wondering if it just got too hot. The bottom was quite warm almost hot to the touch when this happened but cooled quickly. Do these machines have some self-preservation failsafe? Or is it something else?

Thanks for any info.
Sounds like you need to reset the Power Manager. Here's what Apple recommends
1. If the computer is on, turn it off.
2. Disengage the two keyboard latches located between the Esc and F1 keys, and the F11 and F12 keys. (You may also need to disengage the keyboard locking screw located between the F5 and F6 keys.)
3. Lift the keyboard.
Note: To ensure no harmful static electricity is transferred to the computer, properly ground yourself before performing this procedure.
4. Press and release the reset button located on the upper right side of the logic board near the power button.
5. Wait 5 seconds.
6. Press the power button to restart the computer.

For more information:
I did this after the first occurrence. Everything ran fine until last night when it happened again. I'm not sure what resetting the PM has to do with overheating. Are you saying this should prevent it from happening again?

You may want someone to inspect the machine to make sure it's running properly.