1 new imac 10 10 deskjet 950 c


Does anyone know the best way to print in 10 printers(usb)at the same time in photo mode (1200x2400) whith a single computer(my new imac 800/superdrive) and mac os x if possible. At this moment i have been using 5 g3 (2 printers by computer) an mac OS 9.2 but this is quite messi. The problem is that if i connect more than 2 printers speed dramaticly decreases.
Would it help to print via appletalk, or to use mac OS server?
Hi Mario,

WHY exactly do you need to print to 10 printers simultaneously?

I'm asking because you might want to rethink your network/production model if you're printing the same document (which is implied) to 10 printers at the same time...

Maybe then I'll have a better answer :)
Hi Gwailo, thanks for your interest.
I have a home business, and my client needs some few catalogs but whith a lot a pictures and in high resolution They need in a few days 200 catalogs 150 pages each.. I do the job with filimaker pro.
Ok Mario, now I see where you're going.

Solution 1: I'm sure you've already thought of this, but you could consider divesting your current printers (on eBay or something), and then invest in one high-seed colour laser (http://www.hp.ca/promotions/index.htm) but that depends on how much you want to spend...because that model is 6 Canadian Gs...

Solution 2: Get a network print server. I don't know of any that allow you to connect USB printers to Ethernet, let alone mux 10 together (since most only have one port) but it might be something you'd look into, since it could alleviate your printing nightmares.

Solution 3: Add RAM to your printers if you can, and tell the printers to print after first page is spooled. I don't know if deskjet printers allow RAM addition; I assume not since they're line-by-line but...

The eaisest one of all: outsource your printing :) I assume you do the design work yourself then print it yourself to save a bit of cash.

HTH a bit, it's not as technical as I think you were hoping but it might help. I'd be interested to hear how it works out in the end.

Hi Gwailo:
I allready have a Tecktronics Phaser 850 wich is fine and speedy but i need more resolution. The printing server seems to be interesting, but i am affraid that you are right an wont be able to connect 10 printers . Adding more RAM would be the ultimate solution ... but its impossible. But you gave me an idea.
I´ll try to print page by page so the file feets in the 8 MB ram of each printer and so they won´t need to access the computer.
Thank you.
PD. Parlez vous francais? I am spanish and i´ve been living for 7 years in Paris.